Backseat With The Billionaire Read online

Page 13

  “Bravo! Bravo! What a show.” The sound of clapping jolts me from my fantasy.



  I open my eyes to Donald leaning on the door frame. “Why did I ever leave you?”

  “Get the fuck out of here, you asshole.” I want to scream at him, but not wanting to scare Ava down the hall, I keep my voice low, dripping with venom. I scramble out of the tub, splashing water all over the floor before wrapping myself with a towel.

  “What? It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Well, except for that orgasm. Definitely haven’t seen that before. Hot damn, woman. What made you cum so hard? Was it the sight of your family together again under one roof? No, that’s impossible. You don’t give a shit about family.”

  “Don’t act like I’m the one who broke this family up. You’re the cheater here.” Shit. Why did I react? He’s a master provocateur, also known as a douchebag.

  “Hey, I admitted to my transgressions.” He holds both his hands up. “But you. That’s another story. We’re still married, you know? Hmmm, I wonder. Who were you thinking about while you were fucking yourself so enthusiastically?”

  “Get out. Get out of my house.” I slip past him and back into the bedroom

  “Our house. Our room. Our bed. Who have you been fucking in our bed, hm?”

  “If you don’t leave, I’m going to call the police.”

  “What will you tell them? That you want to kick me out of my own house?” Damn it. He is right. The house is in his name.

  “OK. I might not be able to make you leave, now. But if you want to be difficult, let’s take our divorce to court. Let’s let the lawyers and their investigators find how much money you really have.” I know he squirreled away enough money to feel comfortable leaving everything behind for his new lovely life with his lovely little lover.

  “Calm down. I’m just teasing you. Don’t get your panties in a bunch. Actually, that’s why I’m here. I have the papers finalizing our divorce.”


  “And I’m giving you the house. You should be thanking me.”

  “Fuck you. If you’re giving me the house, then you have at least double that amount in some hidden bank account in the Cayman Islands.”

  “Don’t be silly. No one uses the Caymans anymore.”

  “You’re just lucky. I would wipe you out clean, but I want you out of my life as fast as possible.”

  “Interesting. Why is that?”

  “Because you’re a manipulative prick.”

  “Or is there another reason? Maybe another man?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You think you can hide it from me? I smelled your wet pussy as soon as you walked into Ava’s room. You’re lucky she’s not old enough to know a woman’s just-got-fucked smell.”

  “Do you really have a foot to stand on? Fucking some college whore?”

  “At least I wasn’t bringing STDs into the house, while you’re out getting wasted and getting fucked by some random disgusting bar rat. What kind of example does that set for Ava?”

  “What kind of example does cheating set for her, you fucking hypocrite?”

  “Says the cheater, herself.”

  “I didn’t fuck anyone and even if I did, we’re separated, so why do you care?” Why the hell am I entertaining him? Why am I engaging in this conversation?

  “Hmm. You didn’t fuck anyone. And I know you’re too honest to lie. So that means you met someone but you didn’t fuck him. Even though you wanted to. So that means you’re waiting.” He might be wrong about why we waited, but he has an eye for these things. He can tell that I’m happy, that I found someone. “If you’re waiting that means it’s serious. Which means you fell in love! Congratulations! But you can’t have gotten serious with someone in such a short amount of time. Which means you knew them before all of this. But you didn’t have any friends, much less friends of that nature. So, I had to have known them, too. Which means they were family friends, but the only family we were close with are the Carters. Did you fuck Rob? Wait, no that doesn’t make sense. Rob and Patty are swingers. They wouldn’t wait and you wouldn’t fall in love with a swinger. So then, it has to be … Bobby! Oh my god! You fucked Bobby! No wait, I mean you fell in love with Bobby! Same thing. Holy shit! Wait till I tell Rob and Patty this. They’ll be very interested in this information.”

  “You better not fucking dare.” I hiss at him.

  “Ho ho ho. It was just an educated guess, but now that you answered ... Holy fucking shit!” He cackles like a madman. Jesus. He’s getting off on this shit. “You know it’ll never work out.”

  This time I know not to answer. But I can’t stop him from talking. Fuck, why did I answer him at all?

  “Wow. I’m stunned. Look who’s the fucking hypocrite, now. You cradle-robbing cougar. I didn’t know you had it in you to take advantage of those naive, nubile young folk for that sweet sweet sex. You’re just like me, huh? It makes sense. We were married for 20 years. Jesus. You’re 20 years older than him! What do you think will happen when you go public? You think everyone would be like, ‘Oh she deserves it after everything she’s been through. They’re in love and love knows no boundaries.’” He throws his head back and howls with laughter like a wolf who’s locked onto its prey. “I’ve been there. We’re comrades in arms. It’s not pretty out there. They’ll stare at both of you, wherever you go. They’ll be nice to your face, but once you turn your back, they’ll dig in with both claws, tearing apart your relationship. They’ll look at you like dirt, like the pervert you are. Fucking the neighbor’s kid? You think the Carters will ever forgive you? For snatching their young, successful, promising child who could’ve had a bright future with any doe eyed young fertile daughter in law who would treat them with respect, but instead they get you, a failing body, as old as them, their dream of grandkids dashed in that moment.”

  “Who the hell says I can’t have kids, huh? My periods are still gushing.”

  “Ewww. Please never repeat that sentence. But fine. Even if you were to have kids at fucking 40. You think Bobby will stay with you when you turn 60? You’ll be 60 when your imaginary kids finally leave for college. You’ll be old ugly and wrinkled, while Bobby will be in the prime of his life. Cause we both know men age way better than woman. Will he still want you? Won’t he want to trade in for a younger model? Just like you did? He’ll grow tired of you when he realized you’re just a boring piece of shit. Cause virtuous gets boring, honest and nice gets boring, just like missionary gets boring.”

  He finally gets the better of me. “You ever think that you just didn’t know how to fuck me right with your little dick? Maybe you were the boring one, because God knows I wanted to go much further than you were willing to go. Maybe that’s why you had to trade in, a young slut doesn’t know the extensive pleasures in life.”

  “You’re just a gullible idiot. The same naive little girl that I caught at 23. You didn’t realize when someone was taking advantage then, and you have no fucking clue right now. The boy is just playing with you, playing out his fantasy of fucking the hot milf next door. He’s just a horny little fuckboy. All he wants to do is fuck you, use you, and throw you out.”

  “Right. Just like you, you fucking bastard.”

  “You don’t think he’s a manipulating piece of shit? Who the hell do you think sent the pictures, huh? Who jumped in right after? When did he come for you? A month after? The week after? Or could it be the day of?” I don’t believe that Bobby sent those pictures but I can’t stop my head from flashing back to that night, the night in the grocery, and he notices my eyes opening wide just a bit. The snake. He really doesn’t miss a thing. “HAH! The day of? Holy shit. Wow. How long did he want to fuck you for? Jesus, he really did send those pictures. That was just a guess, too.”

  “You don’t fucking know that. And either way, it doesn’t make him any better than you!”

  “Yea, except I called it quits while you were
still capable of getting a new husband, someone your own age, someone who isn’t the neighbor’s son. When will he call it quits? When you’re too old and decrepit to even attract the wandering eye of a passing man? You better think this over. This little fling with the little boy won’t work out. Girls will stick around, but boys? They’ll move on to the next best thing. I would know, right?”

  “Fuck you. You don’t know shit. So if you’re done with your little lesson, please get the fuck out of my house.”

  “It’s only your house after the divorce is finalized. Whatever, you’re too dumb to listen to me. The papers are out in the kitchen. Just sign ‘em and we’ll be finito. But before that,” he pushes me onto the bed, ”shall we have one more go around?”

  In less than a second, he’s on top of me, his hands prying my legs open.

  At my lowest point, I might’ve just let it happen. I would’ve let him rape me. But not tonight. No fucking way. Tonight, I am a different person. I am a new woman. A strong woman. I slam my forehead against the bridge of his nose, hearing that satisfying crack of bones breaking. He stands back up, staggering, holding his nose. For good measure, I give him a swift kick in the nuts and he keels over onto the floor, blood staining the white carpet.

  “You crazy bitch!” his shouts are muffled from his hands as he chokes on his own blood.

  “You might want to get to the hospital.” I strip the towel from my waist and toss it to him. “Isn’t this what you wanted to see?” I wiggle my hips at him, taunting. “Carve this moment into your tiny brain because this is the last time you’ll ever get to see this body naked.” I squeeze my tits together and jiggle them in front of his face. “Don’t you ever touch me again. Now, get the fuck out of here!” This time, he listens. I follow him as he stumbles to the front door and when he opens it, I kick him in the ass and he falls face first into the ground.

  “Don’t ever come back to this house again. Do you hear me?”

  “You’re goddamn crazy, you certified mental cunt. You’re lucky Ava didn’t see or she would’ve hated you for the rest of her life.”

  “If she saw, she’d probably laugh at your sorry, pitiful ass.” I slam the door before he can say another word.


  I’m still awake an hour later even though the adrenaline rush from kicking Donald’s ass has been long gone. I told myself he wouldn’t get in my head but he did. His words wormed their way in, staining every happy thought dark, tainting every good thought evil. Why did I listen to him? Why do I ever listen to him?

  But he was right, in some respect. First, Bobby was too young for me. Was I doing the right thing? Taking his youth away, just like Donald did mine? Wasn’t this his time to experiment, to find other girls and find someone he loves? Not be with someone like me, someone he chose as a young boy, never really sure if I was the one or not. He seemed sure. But like Donald says, would he still be sure 10 years later, 20 years later? How could he know what he wanted without even trying other relationships?

  And two, our families were too close. How would the Carters react when I stole their boy from them. Would they be mad? Will it burn another bridge? I don’t want Bobby to go through that, to have to choose between his parents and me. No matter how much I love him, his parents should come first.

  And Ava. She’s had a crush on Bobby since she was a little girl. She’s always claimed she would marry him. Even if that was some little girl’s romantic dream, what kind of example would I set being with someone 20years younger than me? She already has to do deal with the trauma of a cheating father. Is it right for me to put this additional stress on her?

  If only I were young again. If only I had nothing else to worry about, then I could be with Bobby. Oh, how that would make me so happy. With him, I feel alive again, like I don’t have to worry about all of this. But I do. I’m not 20years old. I have people that I care about, people who care about me, and depend on me.

  I have to give up on Bobby. No matter how much pain that might cause me. Bobby will find someone else. He’s young and there were plenty of better matches for him. I have to tell him. When I get my phone out, there are four text messages waiting for me.

  Hey, are you OK? Text me back when you get a chance.

  I’m worried. Did you deal with Donald? Was he drunk?

  Text me back. Don’t make me wait when I’m sitting here worried about you.

  If you don’t answer in the next 5 minutes, I’m coming over right now.

  Crap, the last one was 30 minutes ago. I have to call him. But before I can, an incoming call pops up. It’s him.

  “I’m here. Open the door.” He demands through the phone.



  I knew she’s easily susceptible to corruptive influences and Donald’s the worst of them. He’s the Gollum, the trickster, the con man, the scientologist. He takes advantage of good people and uses them like garbage. You’d think he’d be way better off, but he’s a lazy shit. He’s never worked hard a day in his life. All he does is bitch and moan about what’s holding him back, when the only thing holding him back is himself.

  Just like when I was an angsty teenager. When I was 13, all I did was feel sorry for myself, wonder why I had to fall in love with a woman who was impossible to have. But then you grow up, and you reach that point when you realize your parents have no control over you. Some people rebel, smoke weed and get drunk in someone’s basement. But I did the opposite. I never gave up on Lisa Howard. I was going to take responsibility for my destiny. And hers.

  “What the hell happened?” I’m pissed and not just because of Donald.

  “Sorry. I’ll explain inside.” But one look at her and my anger melts.

  The baby-blue night slip she has on reveals just enough without being too slutty. I see the darkness of her areolas through the sheer material. The flare of her wide, sexy hips couldn’t be contained. My hands belong on those beautiful curves and sure enough, they grab her waist as soon as she turns around. I pull her back against me, pushing my crotch against her ass, as I kiss her bare neck, the smooth skin glowing in the low light.

  “Oh, Bobby.” She closes her eyes, sighing as soon as she’s nestled against me, her head leaning back against me, giving me the perfect view down her cleavage, her hard nipples jutting out through the slip. Everything about her brings out this uncontrollable beast that I never knew I had inside of me, this wild hunger I’ve never felt with anyone else, not with Chloe, not with Jade. Every time I see her I want to devour her. My hands find their way up to her voluptuous breasts, feeling their hefty weight as I watch the pearlescent skin give way to my groping fingers.

  Suddenly, she peels my hands away and turns around. Her body has my blood rushing to my head and my cock, but her face tells another story. She seems reticent yet concerned. I know something is wrong. That fucking Donald has gotten to her. It’s the only reason she would stop, when just hours earlier she had been putty in my arms, telling me she loved me, kissing me with such passion.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I don’t really know.” A thousand thoughts seem to race across her face and inside her head, conflicting, confusing thoughts.

  Fucking Donald.

  “Just tell me what happened when Donald came.” I could already see he had planted a seed inside her head. I’m going to kill that motherfucker.

  “Nothing, really. He was playing Monopoly with Ava when I got back. I thought he had left but then he walked in on me while I was taking a bath. When I told him to leave, he pushed me down on the bed and tried to touch me.”

  “That’s not fucking nothing! I should’ve never listened to you! That motherfuckin’ rapist is dead. I don’t care if he’s Ava’s father, I’m going to make him disappear. But first, I’d like to hear him beg like the little piece of shit he is. And then, I’m going to kill him.” That primal thing comes out again. I want to beat this man who hurt my woman, who dared to touch my woman. I want to smash his smug fucking face i
n over and over till he’s within an inch of his life.

  “It’s OK. Nothing happened. He didn’t do anything.” With just a gentle touch from her delicate fingers, my fists unclench. I didn’t realize I had my fists balled up so tight, the fingernails had cut through the palm and blood was dripping down from my knuckles.

  Her soothing voice washes over me, cleansing me of the rage that overtook me, relaxing my tensed muscles. She slips her arms around me and even though I am a foot taller than her, I feel surrounded by her warmth, her softness. After a minute, when she hears that my breathing has calmed, she leads me to the couch, finds a first aid kit and starts to treat the cuts on my hand.

  “I’m sorry. You just make me overreact. I can’t control myself when it comes to you.”

  “It’s OK, Bobby. I know you were just thinking of me. Thank you.” She wipes away the blood, tenderly applying antibacterial to the raw flesh.

  “So what happened, when he tried...” If I say it out loud, I’ll just get mad again.

  “I broke his nose and kicked him in the balls.” I can’t stop myself from laughing, it just sort of erupts out of me.

  She grins. “Shhh, Ava’s still sleeping.”

  “That’s my girl! You really gave it to him, huh?”

  “I told you I didn’t need your help when this day started. Plus, your self-defense class was a good reminder of how to kick an asshole’s ass.” She bandages my hand, carefully wrapping the white gauze around my palms.

  “Seems like I overreacted, rushing over here.”

  “I’m glad you came. It’s nice to know someone out there is worrying about me.”

  “So what do you want to say?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can tell when you have something to say. Your forehead gets all pinched and you look like you’re worried about someone else when you should really be worrying about yourself.” She looks at me, surprised.

  “Oh god, what am I gonna do? Everything you say, everything you do, makes me fall in love with you even more.”