Backseat With The Billionaire Read online
Page 12
“You were so cool in there! When did you start? Weren’t you scared? Do your parents know? You’re a champion? Were we on TV? You donate all that money? How do you find time to train?” I’m clinging to his arm all the way to his car. This time the paparazzi has found us and bright flashes of light blind our way. But none of them are disrespectful enough, or brave enough, to block Bobby’s way. Even the journalists love him.
This whole other life Bobby had all along, he is the king of it and now I am his queen.
“So what’s next?”
“Ha, you think I would tell you?”
“Please! At least give me a hint.”
“OK. They’ve got cats.”
“Huh? Cats? Like you’re one cool cat?” He chuckles. “Oh, god. Did I just date myself with that?”
“No. That was really cute. And you can’t date yourself when you look like you’re 25. People would just think you’re quirky.”
“Twenty five? Are you just going to be flattering me all night?”
“That’s my plan.”
His car waits out front for us. After a twenty minute ride, we arrive at a nondescript apartment building.
“Are we visiting a lonely cat lady?”
“Sort of, but we’re not going up, we’re going down.” Leading me to the side and down some stairs, we stare at another black door with no sign. He knocks three times, pauses, then once, pauses, then twice rapidly. After that, he looks up and waves at the camera. With a click, a lock slides back and the door swings open revealing no one behind it.
“What was the knock for?”
He shrugs. “I just wanted to look cool doing a secret knock.” I burst out laughing and for some reason I can’t stop. I laugh so hard, my belly starts to hurt and tears well up in the corner of my eyes. It’s just so easy to laugh around him.
“Oh god, I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.”
“It wasn’t that funny.”
“I know. I guess I’ve just been due for a good laugh.”
“You’ve been due for a good many things.” Is he implying what I think he’s implying? He takes my hand, my small hand completely enveloped by his. I like big hands just like I like big men, strong and powerful, knowing if he squeezes a little too hard, he could crush me in an instant. Yet, right now, that strength feels safe and secure. Steadily, he leads me down the gloomy hallway. He opens another door and suddenly we’re transported back in time. Glowing orange lamps hang from the ceiling, exposed bricks surround us, dark lacquered mahogany bar top, black leather stools and couches. In the corner, a lady in a white dress and bowler hat croons, a spotlight shining down on her, throwing shadows across her sharp face, giving her an air of mystery.
A speakeasy. But not just any speakeasy. This one is full of cats. There are cats crowding the bar, the tables, the couches, the shelves. There are more cats than people in the room. They dance around drinks, weaving through legs. A friendly black and white cat comes up and rubs against my leg.
“Can I pick him up?”
“Sure. You can take him home, if you want.”
“Wait, really?” My face lights up and his eyes fill with gentle affection, pleased at my delight.
“Yes, this place acts as a shelter as well as a bar. Any patron that wishes to adopt a cat is free to do so.” I hold the cat up in front of me. He doesn’t struggle, looking curiously at me with his cute wide eyes. His color pattern makes it seem like he has a Batman mask across his face.
“I’m going to call you Zorro and you’re coming home with me.” I hug him close before putting him on the chair next to me, running my hand through his soft fur. I sigh.
“Seems like he likes you.”
“Actually, for the past week, I’ve been thinking about getting a cat or a dog. I’ve missed having a bunch of pets around the house. Honestly, I’ve missed just being around animals. It’s been so long.” I look at him, his dark brown eyes even darker in the shadows, gleaming pools of black. There’s so much depth behind them, so much I didn’t know. “How could you possibly have known?”
“I remember you used to love animals so much that you volunteered at the local shelter every chance you got until Ava was born. With Donald gone, I figured you would want to get that part of your life back. You gave so much up of your life for your family, and now I want to give you it all back, piece by piece. ” He isn’t lying when he says that. He really does know me. I can’t say anything for fear of breaking into tears. I just want to tell him how much this means, how much he means. So I hug him. And he holds me. When was the last time someone held me like this, made me feel so safe and loved, so happy and content? In one night, I went from a floundering, lost divorcee who was so sad for so long she forgot how to be happy to a woman who can laugh again, who can love again. A few hours ago, I was drowning in that deep pool of misery and doubt, and he appeared out of nowhere, pulling me free from the black tar of fear, saving me from myself.
“You deserve it. You deserve every good thing that the world has to offer. Happiness, excitement, laughter, love. I’ll give it all back to you. All you need to do is be mine.”
And he knows. All I want right now is him. To be his. His strong arms around me, his steady heartbeat thumping in my ear, his wide chest my head leaned on, it all feels so right. I look up at him and find him staring back at me. And in that moment, I forget everything. I forget he’s 20 years younger than me or that his parents are my good friends. All I see is him and there’s nothing and no one else in this world, in my world. Just him.
I don’t know if he knows that I want it, but he leans down and ever so softly place his lips on mine, our lips barely brushing each other like feathers. I shiver in his arms, the light touch sending electricity through every part of me, making my hair stand on end and goosebumps spread across my tingling skin. Even my breasts feel tight, my nipples stiffen.
His hands dance all over my body, caressing my curves, fondling my butt, cupping my breasts, pinching my nipples, feeling the growing warmth between my legs through the thin dress, his fingers lingering and stroking my bare thighs, the small of my back, the crook of my neck. His touch is magic, practiced and firm, coaxing my body into a heated frenzy.
“No more. Please. I can’t take anymore.” I plead, my voice a small whimper.
“I need you. Now.” He growls, his deep vibrations shivering through me. My body wants more. I want more. And he knows it.
His lips push down harder, this time his tongue darts between my lips, searching for my tongue, my taste. He grabs my butt, each of his enormous hands squeezing a cheek, groping the abundant flesh, pressing his waist against mine. I can feel his hardness on my stomach and it makes me moan audibly, the searing bar of hard iron burying into my soft belly.
Suddenly, I’m off my feet and I’m at his mercy, my body his to command, his strength overpowering me. He pulls me up, his fingers digging deeper into my ass cheeks as his rigid cock leaves a trail of heat down my stomach and lodges between my legs. The stiff pressure from his shaft on my wet pussy urges the building juices to spill out and soak through my panties. His lips never leave mine, his tongue dives deeper, exploring every part of my mouth, desperately searching for more of me to taste as if he can’t get enough.
The thought of him hungering for my body, thirsting for my taste, sends my head spinning, and I realize I can’t get enough of him, either. If he keeps this up, I could end up buck naked, my back on the cold bar top and him pounding away on top of me. With the last of my waning willpower, I pull away from him and our mouths finally separate, leaving us both gasping for air.
“Stop. Not here. Everyone’s watching.” I place my hands on his heaving chest, pushing against it.
“Let them. I don’t care where we are or who the fuck is watching. When I need to have you, nothing can stop me.” He ignores my weak protests, my hands ineffective at slowing him down. His mouth dives for my neck, licking, nibbling, tracing kisse
s down my shoulder and across my neckline, dipping dangerously close to the soft swell of my sensitive tits.
Bzzt. Bzzt. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my phone light up, displaying Ava’s smiling face.
“Ava’s calling.” I whisper breathlessly.
“She’s 14, now. I’m sure she’s fine.”
“She always texts. If she’s calling...” He stops, suddenly serious.
“You should call her back, then. You’re a mother first.” He knew that my daughter was the most important person in my life and I secretly applauded his ability to stay his hand. If pressured, I think I might’ve ignored even Ava. Thankfully, Bobby brought me back to my senses. Could he be anymore perfect?
“It’s Donald.” When she returns from her phone call, her face is somber. All the ecstasy she had been full of moments earlier has been drained from her. “Ava says he’s at the house.” That fucking prick. I thought he was gone for good, but I should’ve known he’d be back. Pieces of shit like him always found a way to cling to your shoes, no matter how many times you try to wipe them away.
“We should go.” I throw a couple bills down on the table and prepare to leave.
“No, it’s OK. We don’t have to ruin our night because of him.” She tries to act like she isn’t worried, but I know she is.
“He didn’t ruin anything. We had a perfect night out. And now it’s time to go home.” She looks relieved, hoping I wouldn’t make her stay. She starts heading for the door. “Don’t forget Zorro.”
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry, Zorro.” She cradles him in her arms. She must be really frazzled to have forgotten him. “Isn’t there any kind of paperwork I have to do?”
“Don’t worry about it. That’s all been taken care of.”
The car ride back is thick with silence. Donald’s surprise appearance is our reality check. She’s still married and I couldn’t take her quite yet. No matter how far away I take her, her past always seems to be hovering around the corner. Our past.
When I pull up to her house, she turns to me, her beautifully honest eyes staring straight through me.
“You can’t come in.”
“I need to be with you, to protect you.”
“You’re sweet, but you can’t. It’ll only cause more problems.” She seems confident, now. Back to the tough and capable woman she once had been, a dramatic difference from the insecure, helpless girl that I saved tonight at The Soggy Dog. It seems like it was years ago, not just a few hours.
“Please. I just want to make sure you’re OK.”
“No, Bobby. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
“What if he’s drunk again? What if he’s out of control? What if he — If he lays a hand on you, I’ll kill him.” Just the thought has me seeing red and my blood boiling. I’m about to jump out of the car before she can stop me, storm into the house and throw his sorry ass out. The fucker deserved it.
But then she kisses me. My fists unclench, my vision clears, and all I see is her. She pats my head gently just like she did when I was a boy, when I ran away from home, when I was afraid my parents were getting a divorce, when my first girlfriend broke up with me. She had always been there for me, stroking my hair, softly whispering reassuring words into my ear. She knows me. Not just the rich, successful part that everyone knows, but the vulnerable part hidden inside that I never let anyone else. Except for her. She’s seen me at my worst and still, she accepts all of me. And I love her for it. I love her. I love her. I bury my face into her shoulder. I can’t keep quiet anymore.
“I love you,” I whisper.
“I love you, too.” And those words make me weak. She’s the only one who makes me feel like this. Like I’m some pitiful version of myself, obsessing over one person when I could get anyone I want in this world. But I didn’t want anyone else. I wanted her. I love her. She pulls my head back up and holds my face in her hands. “I love you, Bobby.”
“I love you, Lisa.” And I kiss her, again, lingering as if I could keep her here with me if I didn’t pull away. But the magical moment ends sooner than I want.
“Don’t worry. I can handle myself. Thank you for the wonderful night out.” She smiles that kind, compassionate smile of hers. “It was just what the doctor ordered. You really did show me who I am. Thank you, Bobby.” She gets out of the car, holding Zorro, and I want to grab her arm, pull her back in and drive off in the distance. But I can’t. She can’t. “Plus, thanks to you, I have Zorro to protect me.” She smiles again and then she’s gone. I can’t shake the feeling that I won’t see that smile for awhile.
I have no idea what Donald wants or why he’s at our house. I hope he got drunk, got in a fight with his mistress, and came here to sleep it off. That’s the best case scenario. But knowing Donald, it’s not that simple. He definitely has ulterior motives.
I take a deep breath and brace myself before I walk through the door. But no one’s in the living room. I check the kitchen, the dining room, and the office. Still no one. Then, from Ava’s room, I hear giggling. It’s them.
I knew Ava was having a hard time with the divorce. I tried to make everything amicable and even pushed her to visit him. She’s old enough to know that what her father did was wrong so she’s been trying to pretend she hates him for my sake. But she still misses her dad.
I knock on the door before peeking my head in. On the bed, the two sit talking in hushed voices over a Monopoly board splayed with little red and green plastic houses. Ava looks at me as if she’s caught in a crime, having fun with her dad. Donald plasters on that sly serpent’s smile.
“Hey, look! Mommy’s home!” Donald exudes exuberance, trying to override Ava’s discomfort. I catch his glance at my dress. At least he seems sober. Although that might be the most dangerous version of a vengeful Donald.
“Uh, hey, sorry Mom. I was just, uh, waiting for you to get home.” I have to reassure her, she shouldn’t be made to feel like this, like I don’t want her spending time with her father.
“It’s OK, Ava. You don’t need to apologize. This is what I’ve been telling you to do. Just not so late on a school night.”
“That’s my fault,” Donald cuts in. “We were just having so much fun, I totally forgot about the time.”
“I’m glad you guys had fun, but Ava, it’s your bedtime now.” Goddamn Donald. Making me out to be the mean parent.
“Mom! I’m not 5 anymore. At least let us just finish the game,” she whines.
“You should join us! Monopoly only gets better with more people,” Donald chimes in.
“Yea, Mom! You should join us!” How is he manipulating the situation like this? If I refuse, I’m the cranky Mom who doesn’t know how to have fun. But I can’t stand even being in the same room as Donald.
“Sorry, I’m really tired. I’m gonna hit the sack.”
“Awww, Mom. You’re no fun,” my daughter frowns.
“It’s OK, Ava. It looks like your mom had a long night.” He winks at me, making my skin crawl.
“Ava, make sure you go to sleep soon. Donald, you can let yourself out. And make sure you call before you drop by again.” As I walk out, Ava giggles and I can picture Donald sticking his tongue out at me. He had always been good with kids. That’s probably why he ended up fucking one.
I need a bath. I sigh as I slip into the tub. It really has been a long night. The scalding water washes away all nagging thoughts of Donald in the house. Thinking about all the sweet moments with Bobby cleanses the sour taste left by Donald.
Oh, Bobby. How he made my stomach flutter. I told him I loved him. And he said he loved me. We love each other. The thought makes my heart soar. Who knew that I would find happiness so soon and right next door. The brave little boy I knew has grown up to be such a strong man, and he knows everything about me. It makes me feel warmer than the hot bath.
Our kisses still burn in my mind. I can s
till feel the softness of his lips dancing down my neck, his frisky hands teasing my yearning body. If only we hadn’t been interrupted. If only his thick yet nimble fingers found their way to where I wanted it the most. My hot, overflowing pussy, eagerly begging to be touched by Bobby, to be penetrated by Bobby.
Without even realizing, my fingers find their way between my legs, stroking, rubbing, trying to satisfy my pussy’s craving for him, for all of him. I need him. I can’t live without him. He’s my happiness, my desire, he is my everything. This is what I was looking for when this night started out. I wanted to find out who I am and I found someone who knows me and could show me, who reflected my true self back at me, drawing out the parts I couldn’t see. Is this what love is?
I love him. I love Bobby. And that just made me crave his touch more. I want his hands on me again, groping my tits, squeezing my ass. I want him to roll my hard nipple between his fingers, while he nibbles on the other. I wanted his head buried between my legs, his tongue lapping up my dripping juices. I want him to flip me over and slam his massive cock into me, take me from behind, spreading my ass wide so he could fit between my flared lips and squeeze into the small hole that lies just beyond them.
I cover my mouth to stifle a moan. As I buck my hips, arching my back as the thought of Bobby’s hard steel ramming into me and splitting me open has me cumming in less than a second. I jam my fingers into my squirting pussy, imagining the pulsing walls are instead wrapped around his thick girth, gripping it tightly, squeezing it, milking it for its cum, his cum that I want inside me. I want his cum. I want him to shoot his cum deep inside me ...