Backseat With The Billionaire Read online
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But he doesn’t get far.
He’s not getting away. Not today.
Cause right now, there’s a fucking animal inside me.
I chase him down and knocking him to the grass, continuing my assault with the bat. I can’t seem to stop myself. Not that I want to.
One part of me is filled with wrathful vengeance and the other looks on a spectator, as if I’m watching a horror movie.
I really like horror movies.
Suddenly, big fat hairy arms wrap around my waist, pulling me away from Donald.
Donald my husband: The liar. The cheater. The piece of shit.
God, I fucking hate him.
Wrapped up in those thick arms, I struggle helplessly, flailing like a bug on it’s back. The man who’s gathered me up in a massive bearhug is Robert Carter, our next-door neighbor, with his wife Patty kneeling next to the crying Donald.
Crying. Literally. Big crocodile tears. What a disgusting faker, trying to squeeze sympathy out of our neighbors.
I didn’t hit him all that hard. I think.
“Lisa!” Rob’s shouts pull me back to reality.
I realize I can hear again. They say you go blind with rage, but they’re wrong. You go deaf.
Cause if you’re blind you can’t kill your cheating husband.
“Lisa!” Rob shouts again.
“Lemme go!” I’m annoyed, slapping uselessly at his locked hands.
Who is he to deny me this pleasure? This wonderfully exquisite pleasure of whacking Donald on the head with a metal baseball bat.
“Promise me that you’re done. Then, I’ll let you go,” Rob negotiates.
“Sure. Whatever,” I say but I’m still kicking.
“PROMISE!” he roars.
“OK. Fine. I promise.” I drop the bat to show that I’ve surrendered, which Rob falls for, slowly letting me back down.
“I’m gonna press charges and then sue your ass. This is battery, cut and dry.” Donald’s prattling on, whining as always. If he can still talk, I must not have hurt him enough.
As soon as my feet hit the ground, I’m on him like a wildcat. I’m scratching him across the face, yanking the stupid haircut he drenches with more conditioner than me.
But I don’t get more than three seconds before Rob drags me off of him again, hoisting me back up into the air as if I were a weightless flag.
“Let me go! I’m done. I swear. I’m done. You can let me down now,” I plead, still wanting more, another crack at the bastard.
“Fool me once and you’re mine, forever.” He’s not having any of it, keeping me tightly in his arms. “How’s he looking, Pat?”
“How do you think I look?” Donald answers for her, “the woman’s balls to the wall crazy! She almost fucking killed me for Christ’s sake!”
How did I stare at that irritating face, listening to that irritating voice for all those years? How did I get stuck with him? He’s still bawling like the little bitch he is.
Why didn’t I get a real man?
“You should really shut up, Donald, before I take my turn,” Rob sternly suggests.
“He’s fine. No broken bones, just a few bruises. Looks like Lisa held back.” Patty turns and gives me a knowing grin.
“Take me to the hospital! I need a doctor to check me. Not a damn nurse. The judge is gonna want a medical report.” Donald continues to wriggle on the ground like a worm.
Anyone else might’ve believed his act, but we all know him for who he really is: a flimsy fraud.
“Look, Donald. Even though you’re an asshole, you’re our asshole. But if you try to press charges against Lisa, who’s more of a friend than you’ll ever be, it won’t go the way you think,” Rob warns.
“What do you mean? You saw everything! She tried to kill me!” His astonishment is so overly dramatic, I can’t believe it’s real.
But then again, this is Donald we’re talking about.
“It’s all a bit hazy right now,” Rob scratches his head, committing to the act, “but during those ten minutes till the police come, we might remember something.”
“Yea, her chasing me with a baseball bat.” Donald says confidently.
“I don’t really remember that part. Do you, Pat?” Rob asks ignoring Donald’s disbelief.
“No, I don’t. But now that I think about it, he did seem to walk into the house with this violent aura about him.” Patty keeps the ruse going to the ever growing frustration of Donald.
“Yea, I think he even raised his hand at her.”
“Then, it had to be self-defense,” Patty grins wickedly. “Oh! And remember that game night? Donald got so upset with Lisa he threw a plate at her.”
“You know I didn’t throw it at her, I dropped it on her foot. It was an accident,” Donald protests weakly but nobody pays him any attention.
“She even had to get stitches. Do you still have the scar, Lisa?” Rob turns to me, a goofy smile splitting his face.
“Even better. I have pictures of the stitches on my phone.” I can’t help but join in the shenanigans the Carters are playing.
“Oh no, Rob. How could we have been so blind? All the signs of domestic abuse were there.” Patty covers her mouth with her hands, dramatically.
“What the fuck are you guys saying? We all know I’ve never touched Lisa.” Donald’s somehow still baffled at the lack of support. He’s used to people taking his side. “Come on, Rob. You saw what she did. Why are you trying to cover it up?”
“Cause honestly, Donald, you deserve way worse than that. I would punch you in the face right now if she didn’t get to you first.”
“What? Why?”
“If you want another piece of pie, you clean your plate off first. At least, that’s what a real man does. You betrayed this angel of a woman, who ate your bullshit every fucking day for fifteen years and never once told you how horrible it tasted. And as a friend, let me tell you, it’s fucking vile.” Rob gags for emphasis.
“Horrendous!” Patty chimes in, “I mean, we have trouble hanging out with you for more than an hour at a time so I still have no clue how she dealt with your sorry ass for so long.”
“Hey, I had to deal with a bunch of her shit, too. The bitch,” Donald spits.
“Shut up, Donald.” Patty threatens, “She’s not a bitch. She’s a goddamn saint is what she is.”
I’d want to clap, give a standing ovation for my friends’ magnificent speech, if I weren’t still itching to give Donald a few more kicks to the ribs.
“B-but,” Donald sputters for a second, before realizing this wasn’t going to go the way he thought it would. “Fine.” And with no chance of getting Rob or Patty on his side, he stands, brushing himself off.
I can’t help but think of those girls I used to play soccer against, who would roll around, clutching their shins in hopes of convincing the ref to call a foul. And just like them, when the call didn’t come, Donald gets up, magically unhurt. Minus the few bruises from my wallops, of course.
I hated them when I was in college and yet somehow I ended up married to one. Just another one of the many ironies my life suddenly seemed to be rich with.
After gingerly touching his mottled purple welts, Donald points at me and announces, “you’re lucky I don’t touch women.”
I burst into laughter at his blustering bravado. How did I ever believe his lies in the first place? He was so full of it. All swagger, no substance.
“Yea, I am lucky. I’m lucky that you only fuck sorority students. Cause you definitely haven’t touched a real woman in years.” I spread my legs and hold my crotch, wondering where this frat boy behavior came from. Probably from all those years of submitting to a weak man. Now, I’m cursing like a sailor and it feels liberating.
He wouldn’t shut me up. He couldn’t.
Cause he isn’t strong enough. He isn’t a real man.
“Aaannnddd, that’s our cue.” Rob tries to extract himself. “Let’s go, Patty. Seems like they’re back on friendly terms.
Donald, I suggest you don’t come back here for a while. Next time, we might not be here to protect your sorry ass.”
“But that’s my house!” he whines. Ugh. And I listened to this every night? It sounds so grating on my ears, now.
“Jesus Christ, Donald. Be a goddamn man! For once in your life, take responsibility for your actions. You fucked up. You cheated on her. So you’re going to let her stay at the house until the divorce is finalized. You understand?”
“Fine. Fine. You win. I’ll stay at a hotel.” He yields like a little boy who was taught a lesson.
“Finally. Everything’s settled. Now let’s part ways amicably. Well, maybe not amicably but whatever’s the closest thing to not murdering each other,” Patty sighs.
We all stare at Donald, but he doesn’t move.
“Uh, Donald? You can leave now.”
“What? I can’t even eat dinner, first?”
We all groan in unison.
I have time for a quick nap before I have to deal with more business. Staying busy keeps my mind off of her.
But as soon as I slip into bed, I hear the bedroom door close before the sheets rustle and a familiar hand grabs hold of my cock. Even if I wasn’t thinking of her, it’s always hard in the morning and Chloe knows it.
Ah fuck, Chloe. Another problem I need to deal with.
Light kisses trace their way from my chest down to my stomach, ending at the base of my shaft, traveling up to the head. Her hand squeezes a little tighter, continuing to work it’s magic, somehow making my cock harder than it already is.
Suddenly, I hear the door open again.
“Hey, Bobby! Guess what?” It’s Alex Nelson, my best friend and business partner, his waxed hair perfectly in place. “They finally offered us a better deal!” In his excitement, he answers his own question.
“That’s great, Alex. You couldn’t wait to tell me this?” I groan as Chloe begs for my attention by flicking her tongue out, teasing the entire length, licking and lapping.
“What’s wrong? You should be happy!”
“Yea, of course. I’m happy.” I had no problem performing under pressure or scrutiny and it looked like Chloe was up for the challenge.
“Well, then. Let’s celebrate!”
“Before that, what’s the terms?”
“Ten million each, plus we get cushy board positions that pay out a hundred grand a year.” Chloe wraps her lips around the soft, sensitive tip, begging me for my attention. I groan again, which Alex misinterprets again. “Are you serious? That’s more than we ever hoped for!”
“I know, but is that really as high as they’re willing to go?”
“What the fuck do you mean? We worked them up from a million with no board job. Come on, Bobby. That’s way more than enough.” It’s definitely a lot, but it isn’t enough. Not for my plan. Not for her.
“Alright, Alex. Alright. We’ll take it,” I concede.
“You’re goddamn right we’ll take it.” As if sensing my disappointment, Chloe moans and takes my throbbing cock into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the bulbous head.
Alex finally notices her. “Jesus Christ, Bobby. We’re not living together in a dorm anymore.”
“Hey, you’re the one who just barreled in here.” I hold my hands up, claiming innocence.
“At least let me see the show.” He reaches down and throws back the covers. “Hi, Chloe.” She looks up and waves at him, my thick cock still jammed in between her lips. “Wow, she’s a real pro, huh? Alright, I’ll leave you two and that monster cock alone. Meet me at The Black Ness in thirty and we’ll finalize this shit.” He rolls his eyes before leaving.
“Thanks! I promise your news really gave Chloe a run for her money!” I call out after him.
Chloe bites down as revenge, but my hard steel barely yields to the assault.
“Bad girl!” I give her a firm slap on her ass, making her moan as her mouth tightens around my cock. “Now finish me off. I have places to be.”
I give her another slap for encouragement. She obeys, sliding her puckered lips over my cock’s substantial girth. Halfway down, the soft tip hits the back of her throat and she pulls back.
I wish she could take my entire length, but none of the countless girls I’ve gone through have been able to. Plus, it didn’t really matter. Alex is right. Chloe’s a pro.
With her soft hand, she strokes the rest of the shaft in time with her warm, wet mouth. And in no time, she has me on the edge, a night’s worth of cum stored up, which for me is enough to make me uncomfortable. With a final flourish, her other hand caresses my balls, gently, coaxing the pent up sperm, and I explode. She keeps pumping my twitching cock as she swallows shot after shot and I sigh in satisfaction.
There’s really nothing more invigorating than starting your day with a blowjob. Fuck, I forgot I had to get rid of her.
The scalding water hits my back as I sigh in satisfaction for the second time in minutes. I watch as the drops follow the crevices between my muscles, riding the waves of my abs.
People might think I’m vain for maintaining my body to this degree, but even my intense workouts were all for one person.
The glass door to the shower slides open smoothly, and just as smoothly Chloe slides in and wraps herself around me, pressing herself tightly against me, squeezing her firm tits on my back.
My cock is already hard again. I’ve always had this problem, this insatiable lust. The only woman who could satisfy me is out of my reach. Just for a little longer.
I push Chloe away from me. “Sorry, Chlo. I’ve gotta go meet Alex soon.”
“Baby, you know I always finish you fast. Don’t you want to bury your cock in my tight little pussy?” She turns, presenting her ass to me, her cute slit peeking out from underneath. I want to bury my face in between those cheeks, but I refuse the temptation.
Now that I had someone more important than this sweet little thing, someone who would be mine very soon.
“Chloe. I need to talk to you.” I owe it to Chloe to let her down easy.
“Oh, fuck. Don’t you start with this.” Her entire attitude changes with that one sentence. She crosses her arms, pouts her lips, the same lips that were wrapped around my cock minutes earlier.
The cute, horny college girl disappears and in its place stands the gold digger bitch that she really is. The type of girl that I’m more accustomed to dealing with.
“Don’t act all surprised. I’ve been honest with you from the beginning.” I always give the girls a disclaimer: I don’t do love. It’s up to them to listen. Is it my fault that they never do?
“You and your little boy fantasies. She’ll never love you like I do.”
“I never asked you to love me.”
“You’re delusional. You’re going to die alone, you fucking asshole!” That does it. She needs to be taught a lesson. I push her against the wall, my hand on her throat.
“There’s no need to be such a bitch.” If she wants it the hard way, I’ll give it to her the hard way. I force my hand between her legs and shove my fingers far up into her pussy, in one blow. She gasps for air that never comes. “Now, apologize,” I command.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” My fingers buried deep in her pussy start to swirl her already abundant juices around, before pushing against the top, that spongy sensitive area above. “Please, I need you to fuck me. Please, fuck—”
I tighten my grip on her throat, cutting off her air supply along with her voice. Rapidly, I jerk my hand up and down, my strong fingers pressing into that sweet spot, the rough tips scraping across, back and forth.
With just my hands, she’s completely under my control, now, when just a second ago she was so defiant.
“You want me to fuck you, huh? You want me to drill my cock into your slutty pussy?” I let her answer. I want to hear her beg.
“Yes, please. I want your cock. Please give me your cock,” she whispers
, her voice barely escaping.
“You don’t get my cock, you dirty bitch. My cock is only meant for one woman now. But I’ll let you cum. Do you want to cum?”
“I wanna cum. Please. Let me cum.” Her desperate plea gets me twice as hard. Too bad Chloe’ll never suck me off again.
Small whimpers escape from her closed throat as her body grows slack from the unbearable stimulation, my strong hand jackhammering in and out of her sloshing pussy. The tendons in my wrist visibly tense under the skin like wires, while the thick muscular cords of my forearm bulge from the exertion.
I can sense she’s close when the tiniest of tremors start to overtake her body. I could feel it as keenly as she could, the wet walls of her pussy clenching around my fingers.
Her body is just an instrument to me, meant to be used how I want, played with my tune. She’s nothing without a masterful musician, and I know how to pluck all the right strings.
For the buildup, I lean down and take a nipple in my mouth, rolling my tongue over the hard bud. Just when she starts to shake uncontrollably, I bite hard, my sharp teeth sending electric shocks shooting through her heaving breasts.
For my finale, I let go of her throat and she breathes deep, gasping both for air and from the pain. The swift influx of oxygen makes her head dizzy and her skin tingle just as the orgasm hits her.
This is how you control someone. This is how you manipulate every part of their body to make them cum. Hard. And I love it. I couldn’t wait to use everything I learned on her. Even while this sorority girl’s tight pussy cums all over my fingers, all I could think about is when I can finally get my hands on her.
I watch as she buckles under my onslaught, the multiple pleasures compounding, one on top of the other, overwhelming her, overtaking her: the pain of her nipple coursing through her, her lungs filling with cold, sweet air, and the pressure against her G-spot combine to make her howl in seeming anguish.
But we both know better.
Her juices spray against my hand, a stream of clear juice shooting from her convulsing pussy. She holds on to my body for support as seizures rack her body, her head cradled against my shoulder which she unconsciously bites down on, her jaw still clenched around the hard muscle.